Towards 2042: Review of Caste by Isabel Wilkerson

Others have made the point that America has a caste system, but no one has made it as effectively as Isabel Wilkerson. By a close comparison between the US caste system and those of India and Nazi Germany and weaving the evidence from decades of sociological...

Ideas, Even the Most Foolish, Have Consequences

Is the radical right pure hate and all emotion? Well, they may start from that, but humans that they are, some of them try to rationalize their hates and fears into theories that, though detached from reality, literally provide the ammunition that enables their...

The Political Psychology of the White Working Class

Most accounts of contemporary politics in the US acknowledge the centrality of white nationalism in right-wing mobilization. But some analysts would say that it is not the only motivation. There is a class dimension to right-wing mobilization. In an important...