The AFP as thought police

‘A reign of terror is about to be imposed on the university by idiots whose main criterion for red-tagging you is that if you sound subversive or you are critical of the president and the military, then you must be a rotten subversive’ originally posted on...

The United States Has Entered a Frightening Weimar Era

The violent storming of the Capitol by pro-Trump extremists underlines the face of crises to come. originally posted on Commondreams By mid-February 2021, American deaths from COVID-19 may well surpass the country’s 405,400 deaths during the Second World War. By...

A scandalous end to a scandal-filled year

‘The only silver lining to this scandal is that the vaccine the VIPs received is apparently one made by a state-owned Chinese pharmaceutical company, Sinopharm, with a terrible safety record’ originally posted on The VIP vaccine scandal has...

The Far Right: Formidable but Not Unbeatable

The level of discontent and alienation with neoliberalism was already very high in the Global North before the coronavirus hit, owing to the inability of the established elites to reverse the decline and living standards and skyrocketing inequality in the dreary...