Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues: I stand before you today to give some parting words on the occasion of my resigning from...

Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues: I stand before you today to give some parting words on the occasion of my resigning from...
The G7 were not successful in coordinating their policies, with the US under Ronald Reagan aggressively pursuing a...
We ought not to be completely helpless, however. What is so shocking about the current state of affairs is that our...
It is certainly a step forward that there is a growing consensus among us that development, peace-building, and...
Honorable members of the Jury of Conscience and members of the Panel of Advocates: My brief here today is to outline...
We are assembled here in Beirut at a critical moment. It is a moment marked by crosscurrents: In Iraq, the US gets...
Capitalism constantly erodes man and woman's being-in-nature (creature) and being-in-society (citizen) and, even...
The first is the crisis of overextension, or the growing gap between imperial reach and imperial grasp, the most...
These year's massive protests are in the tradition of the global protests against the war of Feb. 15, 2003 and...
More recently, the influence of academia on politicians and policymakers has been most evident in the massive impact...
The reality is that the old game of domination and occupation continues, and the US is not winning. The triumphalism...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the supreme institution of corporate-driven globalization, and the collapse of...