Books Articles

Reading Piketty II: Property, Ideology, and the Mystery of the Missing John Locke

Thomas Piketty’s Capital and Ideology is a wide-ranging exploration of the origins, maintenance, and persistence of inequality that spans 1042 pages.  In the interest of making the French economist more accessible, Focus on the Global South came up with Reading...

Revisiting and Reclaiming Deglobalization

Nearly 20 years after “deglobalization” was introduced as an alternative paradigm by Focus on the Global South, one of its main authors looks back at its strengths and weaknesses and how its interaction with other alternative frameworks can be a mutually enriching...

Trump and the Asia-Pacific: The Persistence of American Unilateralism

There is a widespread perception, especially among East and Southeast Asian elites, that the United States is in a process of disengagement from the Asia-Pacific under President Donald Trump.  This study shows that there is little basis for this view.  Along with the...

‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste’

The Covid-19 pandemic and the opportunity for food sovereignty The Covid-19 pandemic has provoked widespread discussion of what kind of future the world should look forward to after the crisis. One of the areas of economic life around which there is spirited debate is...