Publications Articles

The Far Right: Formidable but Not Unbeatable

The level of discontent and alienation with neoliberalism was already very high in the Global North before the coronavirus hit, owing to the inability of the established elites to reverse the decline and living standards and skyrocketing inequality in the dreary...

Why things will get much worse before they get better for the United States

originally posted on Rappler 'I hate to spell this out, but the current mood in the US approximates that of civil war, and it may just be a matter of time before one side, the Trump forces, translates that mood into something more threatening, more ugly' I’m one of...

The Bretton Woods Twins in the Era of COVID-19: Time for an Exit Strategy for the Global South?

As they mark their 76th year, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been presented with a grand opportunity, not to save the world, but to salvage their tattered reputation. The Fund enters the annual IMF-World Bank meetings with a big image problem....

COVID-19, Distorted Development, and Degrowth

The following paper was presented at the Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute's Webinar "Sustainable Social and Economic Recovery after COVID-19" on September 17, 2020. What I’d like to do is focus on some economic vulnerabilities exposed by COVID-19 and...