The march of an illusion from the Philippines to Afghanistan In one of his interviews before the Taliban walkover,...
Publications Articles
Leila de Lima
Filipino political prisoner refuses to surrender to despotic Duterte Philippine Senator Leila de Lima is one of the...
Why Biden might not be able to extricate the US from its Middle East quagmire
Biden has promised an end to the endless wars. But such promises are not easy to keep. Read the article here
Reading Piketty I: A Concise and Comprehensive Summary of Capital and Ideology
In this summary, Walden Bello distills the key ideas and data contained in Thomas Piketty’s monumental work Capital...
The AFP as thought police
'A reign of terror is about to be imposed on the university by idiots whose main criterion for red-tagging you is that...
The face of things to come
The storming of Capitol shows America has entered the Weimar Era By mid-February 2021, American deaths from Covid-19...
The United States Has Entered a Frightening Weimar Era
The violent storming of the Capitol by pro-Trump extremists underlines the face of crises to come. originally posted...
A scandalous end to a scandal-filled year
'The only silver lining to this scandal is that the vaccine the VIPs received is apparently one made by a state-owned...
The Far Right: Formidable but Not Unbeatable
The level of discontent and alienation with neoliberalism was already very high in the Global North before the...
Why things will get much worse before they get better for the United States
originally posted on Rappler 'I hate to spell this out, but the current mood in the US approximates that of civil war,...
The Bretton Woods Twins in the Era of COVID-19: Time for an Exit Strategy for the Global South?
As they mark their 76th year, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been presented with a grand...
COVID-19, Distorted Development, and Degrowth
The following paper was presented at the Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute's Webinar "Sustainable...