Publications Articles

PH gov’t can be part of solution in Myanmar

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Reading Piketty II: Property, Ideology, and the Mystery of the Missing John Locke

Thomas Piketty’s Capital and Ideology is a wide-ranging exploration of the origins, maintenance, and persistence of inequality that spans 1042 pages.  In the interest of making the French economist more accessible, Focus on the Global South came up with Reading...

Central front of the new Cold War

How US and China stack up on the strategic front in the Asia-Pacific region During the Trump administration, there were great worries that the conflict between China and the US would not stop at simply being a trade war, but that it could at some point spill over into...

Interview with Oksana Boyko on Russia Today (RT)

Interview with Oksana Boyko on Russia Today (RT)Revenge of revanche? Walden Bello, international adjunct professor at the State University of New York at BinghamtonRevenge of revanche? Walden Bello, international adjunct professor at th...Aesop’s fables implore us to...