Walden Bello
Activist • Academic • Journalist • Writer
America’s repossession of the Philippines
As the US dramatically expands its military presence, colonialist history is repeating itself When the news broke in early...
Formidable: Review of ‘The Whale’
The Whale is probably the most formidable entry in the 2023 Oscars, though it has not been nominated for best film. In this...
“The Kings of the World” (“Los Reyes Del Mundo”)
Armed with a piece of paper, a government notice informing one of them that he has inherited a parcel of land in a distant...
Overrated: Review of ‘Everything, Everywhere, All at Once’
The "message" of this film is that, hey, your world is is still the best of all possible worlds. “Everything Everywhere…”...
Rereading a Classic: Review of City of Quartz by Mike Davis
A rereading of "City of Quartz" by the recently departed Mike Davis is necessary to appreciate how brilliant it is, with...
Blanchett at the Top of Her Game in Tár
Cate Blanchett is at the top of her game in this drama where orchestral politics and sexual intrigue come together to bring...