Walden Bello
Activist • Academic • Journalist • Writer
Spellbinding: Review of Decision to Leave by Park Chan Wook
The professional and the personal merge intricately to create a memorable story of crime and passion set in a Korea...
Towards 2042: Review of Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
Others have made the point that America has a caste system, but no one has made it as effectively as Isabel Wilkerson. By a...
Emancipation Review
You can never fail with a story of someone successfully eluding those chasing him with bloodthirsty dogs. And if it’s a...
Short Speech at Rally in Support of Fidel Nemenzo at Quezon Hall, UP Diliman
I think there is no doubt that in terms of scholarship, teaching, and administration, Chancellor Fidel Nemenzo deserves a...
Lady Chatterley, Senator Leila, and Patriarchy
Not a substitute for the experience of reading a great novel, but this is probably as good as a film adaptation of D.H....
Stormy weather is ahead in the Pacific
The future of Taiwan and China Though the war in Ukraine is the leading geopolitical trouble spot today, the Taiwan Straits...